REVET Transnational Project Management Meeting Was Held in Istanbul


One of the main aims of the European project RE-VET is to define an online learning platform addressed to craftspeople who work on the Architectural Heritage. The project’s goal is to increase the quality in restoration works thus contributing to the preservation of Architectural Heritage in Europe.

To formulate the e-learning platform contents it is necessary to make several analyses about the role of restoration workers. For this reason, in mid-November the RE-VET partners gathered in Istanbul in order to define the next steps of the project.

During the meeting we compared the Current National Competences for restoration workers, emerged from the analysis of each partner in his country. Moreover, we started to define the learning units’ titles and contents. Finally, each partner will submit a questionnaire to at least 10 craftspeople, to investigate about: education, experiences, difficulties in restoration works and expectations from the learning platform which has to be designed for them.